Learning about Python Dictionary

Learning about Python Dictionary

Python Dictionaries store data values in key : value pairs.

car = { "brand" : "Tesla", "model" : "S" }

◽️ Dict are ordered (Py 3.7), it means that the items have a defined order.

◽️ Cannot have two items with the same key.

◽️ We can update, add or remove items in the dictionary.

◽️ Values in dict items can be of any data type.

Let's now go through all the Python essential functions:

1⃣ clear()

It removes all the elements from a dictionary.

car = { "brand": "Tesla" }


2⃣ copy()

It returns a copy of the specified dictionary.

car = { "brand": "Tesla" }

x = car.copy()

3⃣ get()

It returns the value of the item with the specified key

car = { "brand": "Tesla" }

x = car.get("model") x -> Tesla

4⃣ fromkeys()

It returns a dictionary with the specified keys and the specified value

x = ('key1', 'key2', 'key3') y = 0

thisdict = dict.fromkeys(x, y)

5⃣ keys()

It returns the list of keys in dict.

car = { "brand": "Tesla" }


6⃣ pop()

It removes the specified item from the dictionary.

car = { "brand": "Tesla" }

car.pop( 'brand' )

7⃣ update()

It inserts the specified items to the dictionary. Specified items can be a dictionary, or an iterable object with key value pairs.

car = { "brand": "Tesla" }

car.update({"color": "Black"})

8⃣ values()

It returns the list of values in dictionary

car = { "brand": "Tesla" }


9⃣ setdefault()

It returns the value of the item with the specified key.

If the key does not exist, inserts the key, with the specified value.

car = { "brand": "Tesla" }

car.setdefault("color", "white")

That covers all the #python important dictionary functions Hope you liked it and don't forget to ♥️ it.